Guilty gear game art min

  • Jugadores
  • Formato
    Double Elimination
  • Juego
  • Iniciar
    December 17, 2022 a las 4:00 PM EST
Organizado por

¡El torneo ha finalizado! Publicar un anuncio para compartir las novedades con tu comunidad.


This tournament is part of League Trolli, a community esports program sponsored by Trolli with $135,000 in cash prizes being given away in 2022. League Trolli now has an official discord server for enhanced player support and communication. Feel free to come by and support your community using this link:


This tournament is operated by Queen CIty Streams.


League Trolli rules can be found here.

A complete list of current tournaments can be found here.

The main Community Page can be found here.


League Trolli prizing for this tournament:

  • $100 cash is up for grabs

  • The first place team will win $70; second place will win $30

  • To claim a prize, you must fill out a Google form found here and follow the instructions in the description


Registration Details:

  • You must be 13 or older to complete in a League Trolli tournament

  • You must reside in the United States or Canada

  • In order to claim a prize, you must have a registered Challonge account prior to completion of the tournament

  • If a player is less than 18, a parent or legal guardian must give consent

Queen City Streams is back to hosting monthly events and each event will feature pot bonuses, Twitch streams on Queen City Streams and Raiser606, concessions, and a spacious venue. The new-and-improved format comes with a pricing change. The venue fee for players who pre-register on Challonge is $10. Discounts of $5 are available for players bringing complete setups or out-of-town carpools of three-or-more players. Venue fees for at-the-door registration are set at $15. Featured games (Smash Ultimate and Guilty Gear Strive) will cost $10 for entry, but all other games are $5. As always, you can spectate and play casually all day for $5.

Resultados Finales











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Actualiza a Premier badge Challonge Premier para quitar los anuncios de la versión insertada y para acceder a la plantilla Challonge Madness.

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