
  • 队伍
  • 赛制
    Double Elimination
  • 比赛
  • 开始
    2022年 August月 1日 8:00 PM EDT



This tournament is part of League Trolli, a community esports program sponsored by Trolli with $135,000 in cash prizes being given away in 2022.

This tournament is operated by Big Dad Games


League Trolli rules can be found here.

A complete list of current tournaments can be found here.

The main Community Page can be found here.


Prizing for this tournament:

  • $100 cash is up for grabs

  • The first place team will $70; second place will win $30


Registration Details:

  • You must be 13 or older to complete in a League Trolli tournament

  • You must reside in the United States or Canada

  • In order to claim a prize, you must have a registered Challonge account prior to completion of the tournament

  • To claim a prize, you must fill out a Google form found here and follow the instructions in the description

  • If a player is under 18, a parent or legal guardian must give consent

Main Street Pub & Eatery and Big Dad Games are proud to host  our first Multiversus in-person tournament!

$5 venue

$5 bracket

803 W Main St

Hendersonville, TN 37075

Join our Discord for updates and info

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third




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